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Buying Motorcycle Gear For Women

November 17th, 2022

Although you may not see many women riding motorcycles, they do and they want to look good while doing it. What are some tips that women riders should follow when they’re looking for their motorcycle style? Remember, women in general do not try to look as rough and dirty as men, and they want to show off their body. At the same time, there are considerations of motorcycle safety as well.

Tip number one

Find a style that you like. When you first walk into a motorcycle gear shop, you may see many designs and different color. It may seem overwhelming but it’s not as hard as you think. Usually a motorcycle gear shops are divided into the different categories of men and women. So all you have to do is find the women’s section and look there. If you’ve never bought any motorcycle gear before, you probably don’t have anything yet. This is a great starting point because you will be able to start from scratch and not have to worry about matching anything else you may own.

Tip number two

Keep with the motorcycle tradition. Motorcycle gear is typically made up of leather so you find that most of the gear is made of that. Other kinds of fabric are becoming popular with motorcycle gear shops as well. So you may have a wide range of products to choose from when you go to the motorcycle gear shop. Motorcycle tradition is all about the leather jacket, so when you find this all you have to do is match the rest of your outfit to your jacket.

Tip number three

Take your time. When you get to the motorcycle gear shop, you may be tempted to breeze through it as quickly as you can. This isn’t what you should do because you want to take in all the different types of clothing that they have. So make sure that you have the time to really look at what they have and maybe even try on some pieces. That way you’ll know that when you find a special piece it’s perfect for you.

Women shouldn’t be afraid to ride motorcycles and to find their motorcycle gear. It can be a fun experience as well as something that may define who you are as a person. You may not even realize it until you get on that motorcycle for the very first time. So make sure you have the right motorcycle gear to feel safe and comfortable on your first motorcycle ride.

Keywords: Motorcycle gear leathers, motorcycle gear, motorcycles
Abstract: Motorcycle leathers are an important part of a motorcycles gear collection. While you are shopping, it can be important to take several factors into consideration.

Motorcycle Gear Leathers And What You Need To Know

Motorcycle leathers are probably the most important part of your gear; they offer protection for your body as well as adding style to your motorcycle ride. The trick is finding the one that’s right for you.

What kind of leathers are there

There are many kinds of leather items you can purchase; you just may not know what one you need. These products can be anything from leather gloves to leather pants and boots. If you had don’t have any leather items already, you really do have a free range on what styles and products you can get. This is because you don’t have to worry about what you already have, you can just get the ones that you like and match it up later.

Leather styles

There are many kinds of leather styles but you can pick from. These may be because of different colors or that differ ways that they look. Some may have designs carved into them; others may have patches attached or designs sewed into them. Depending on what leather item you’re looking for, you may find many different designs that you’ll have to pick from. Take some time and look in all the different designs that way you’ll know when you found the perfect design for you.


While leather is a great accessory for your motorcycle gear, you should also take into consideration your comfort. You don’t want to be on the road and not feel comfortable on your motorcycle. So when you’re in the motorcycle gear shop looking at leather, make sure you have the time to try it on. This way you’ll know that it’s still comfortable while looking good. If you don’t have time to try it on you may be taking a chance that it doesn’t fit right.

There are many things that you may want to consider when you’re choosing your perfect leathers, but if you take the time and really look. You’ll find great products in your motorcycle gear shop that fit your needs. You may even find gear that is close to your personality into personal style. You do want to make a statement when you’re going down the road and your motorcycle gear leather is a perfect way to do that. Show what a waiting for, get down to that motorcycle gear shop and find some great leather.

Google Lists Twenty Six Million Motorcycle Women Webpages

November 15th, 2022

Google lists twenty-six-million motorcycle women webpages, each with a unique depiction of what a women motorcyclist is or should be.

To be a motorcycle women you need to belong to this women’s motorcycle club or that women’s motorcycle club, or you need to wear this biker women outfit or that biker women outfit.

Some will even go as far as to tell you that you’re not a true biker chick unless you ride this model motorcycle or that type of motorcycle.

Well biker girl I feel enough is enough. I do not need a want to-be biker webpage to tell me how to be a motorcycle woman. I know I am a women and I know how to ride my own motorcycle.

What I would like from a women’s motorcycle web page, is information and interesting articles about other women just like me. Women that have a true passion for motorcycling and want to help other women get the strength and courage to get their own motorcycle and learn to ride it.

The other thing that I have noticed about the World Wide Web and women motorcycle webpage’s is the amount of motorcycle women’s boots and apparel webpage’s that really aren’t women’s apparel or motorcycle related.

What I would really like to see is a webpage that is for a woman by a woman that knows what I as a motorcycle women want.

So what brought me to this tangent in the first place is, I was on the Internet looking for a webpage that was women related that I could really enjoy and get something out of. I was also looking for a new pair of Harley boots.

Of course, I did a search and Google produced millions of motorcycle women related webpage’s, next I searches for women’s motorcycle boots.

The thing is, most of the motorcycle women related websites listed on Google really are not. Most of them were webpage’s about everything else with an article or two about motorcycle women or a club or group trying to get me to join. The motorcycle apparel sites were mostly the same. I discovered that most of the webpage’s I found didn’t have what I needed.

However, I did find a few great sites that had a lot of information, articles and women’s motorcycle apparel.

I also found other good webpage’s that I enjoyed, Some stood out far and above the others. They had great information about what the best motorcycle for a woman is. They also had great articles about women riders just like me. Some even had a women’s motorcycle mentor program or riding school information for women that are looking for help getting into motorcycling or an experienced women motorcyclist looking for other women to ride with. I thought that was really neat. I even found the name of the these webpage’s fantastic. These webpage’s where most informative and enjoyable.

There are other webpage’s that I found that fit what I was looking for was truly these are webpage’s just for women. they are a women’s motorcycle boots and apparel webpage’s just for women that ride motorcycles.

They have everything I was looking for, a new pair of women’s Harley Davidson motorcycle boots and a leather vest. They also had a lot of other wonderful boots and motorcycle apparel. Motorcycle apparel like women’s chaps, women’s leather jackets, leather halter-tops and a lot of other motorcycle related items. They are not just sales webpage’s either; They have interesting articles as well. I should have known I would find just the right websites, with the right pair of motorcycle boots, just by typing in the right keywords.

I am not one to spend a lot of time sitting in front of the computer, I would much rather be out ridding my Sportster. So, now that I have found the right places I go online that give me the information, articles and motorcycle stuff just for me, a woman. I have more time to spend out on the road.

Cheap Stylish Motorcycle Clothing and Motorcycle Gloves to Keep You Safe

March 13th, 2021

People all over the world are motorcycle enthusiasts, some even since their childhood, and they have never missed an opportunity to delight in this passion. Most of us have seen people cruising along the highways and roads on their bikes with great pride and gallantry. Motorcycle drivers are mostly chivalrous and confident. But to motorcycle drivers and riders ever consider the array of accidents which are inseparably linked with motorcycle riding? Motorcycle accidents are extremely common; hence, it is important for motorcycle drivers to equip themselves adequately in order to protect themselves. If you are a resident of the UK and enjoy riding your motorcycle, you should have motorcycle gloves and clothing that will keep you safe.

Motorcycle clothes and motorcycle gloves should combine style, protection and comfort. These types of clothing are meant to protect you from accidents. A biker requires a minimum amount of comfort to be able to drive at ease. The proper motorcycle clothing and motorcycle gloves enable bikers to ride comfortably in all types of weather conditions, even in the most harsh weather conditions. Whether it is rain or snow, good motorcycle jackets offer protection from water seepage and road burn if you fall off your bike and slide. Many bikers like donning the latest styles in motorcycle clothing and motorcycle gloves. Motorcycle clothes are not just meant to protect a biker and keep him or her safe; they are also an excuse for bikers to wear the latest items of fashionable clothing.

Clothes for motorcycle riders include a number of items from motorcycle jackets to motorcycle gloves. Biker jackets are the most important items in motorcycle clothing and they are manufactured of leather in UK. However, they are also available in nylon, which offers year round protection to bikers. Most of these jackets are manufactured in the UK in such a manner that they offer warmth during the chilly winter and protect from water during the rainy season. The jackets should be purchased only after proper measurements have been taken, unless the jackets are comfortable and accommodating the bikers will not ride comfortably. For bikers who indulge in professional racing, motorcycle body armour is a must. It acts as a shield and protects the back, chest and arms from injuries in accidents.

Motorcycle chaps are another important component of motorcycle clothing, it protects bikers from cold winds, dirt and dust. Motorcycle gloves are another important clothing item that bikers cannot avoid while riding on their bikes. Without motorcycle gloves, motorcyclists may fail to keep the grip needed to handle their bikes. Often the grip of the motorcyclist is compromised due to sweat, which causes her grip to slip. The last and the most important item of motorcycle clothing is the motorcycle helmet. Helmets offer protection to the head and face of the riders from injuries. Hence, a helmet protects the most important part of the body and is surely the most indispensable item of clothing that one needs to wear while driving a motorcycle. However, before purchasing a helmet, make sure that it is endorsed by the Department of Transportation. A DOT certified helmet ensures that it has passed the optimum stages of protection and the helmet complies with motorcycle laws.

A lot of manufacturing companies in the UK produce branded motorcycle clothing and motorcycle gloves. This motorist wear comes at premium rates however, it is unavailable to most motorcycle owners. Since the most important function of these items of clothing is protection, one can choose affordable motorcycle clothing instead of paying high prices for the expensive brands. Though it is true that affordable clothing items are not as popular as their branded counterparts, these items offer sufficient protection to bikers as long as they have been approved. Before purchasing motorcycle clothing and motorcycle gloves it is necessary to consider certain factors like the fit and the thickness of the jackets. There are a number of motorcycle clothing stores in the UK; shop around to find out best motorcycle clothing and gloves for you.

Hopefully this guide has helped you find the best but cheap motorcycle accessories [] availabl

Protecting Yourself With Motorcycle GAP Insurance

February 13th, 2021

Imagine you just purchased a brand new Suzuki GSX-R1000 motorcycle two months ago, and it was stolen right before your eyes as you were eating in your favorite restaurant. Not to worry, you are fully protected by the full coverage motorcycle insurance policy your motorcycle lender required you to get. Right?

In most cases, not exactly, if you look into the details of the motorcycle insurance policy you purchased. The reason is that most full coverage motorcycle insurance policies will cover for total loss such as theft, accident or natural disaster, but these policies typically only cover the depreciated market value of the motorcycle not the outstanding value of your motorcycle loan.

Therefore, if you opted for a zero down payment motorcycle loan or perhaps a low payment credit card motorcycle loan, your Suzuki GSX-R1000 may have depreciated faster than you have paid down the value on your motorcycle loan. Since your motorcycle insurance policy will most likely only cover the depreciated market value of your Suzuki GSX-R1000, you are responsible for the difference in the value the insurance company pays you for your stolen or totaled motorcycle and what you actually owe on your motorcycle loan.

In the event a motorcycle is stolen or totaled, motorcycle buyers in the first two years of a motorcycle loan are the most susceptible to not being reimbursed enough from their motorcycle insurance policy to cover the value of their motorcycle loan. So what is a motorcycle buyer to do to protect against the outstanding value of their motorcycle loan?

The answer for some motorcycle buyers lies in a little known policy called gap insurance. Gap insurance is a total loss insurance policy that will pay the difference of the amount your motorcycle insurance company pay’s you for a total loss on your motorcycle and the value of your motorcycle loan.

Here is a quick example. Let’s say your Suzuki GSX-R1000 has a going depreciated market value of $7500, yet you owe $9,500 on your motorcycle loan for it. In the event of total loss such as theft or an accident, your motorcycle insurance policy will likely only pay you the used market value of $7500. However, you still owe your motorcycle lender $9500 so you have a gap of $2,000 ($9500-$7500=$2000). Gap insurance covers the $2000 gap that you still owe to the motorcycle lender since the motorcycle insurance company only paid you $7500 for your stolen or totaled Suzuki GSX-R1000.

Is gap insurance for everyone? Not exactly, it really depends on your financing arrangement. Here are some tips in deciding if gap insurance is right for you.

1. If you entered a zero down payment motorcycle loan especially for an extended term like 48-84 months gap insurance is probably a good idea for you. On the other hand, if you put a large down payment down with your motorcycle loan your probably better without
gap insurance.

2. If you are getting a motorcycle loan on a motorcycle model that has a history of depreciating very fast, gap insurance is likely a good alternative for you. To determine this, compare the depreciation rate of your motorcycle with the pay down of the principal on your motorcycle loan. This will give you an indication if you would be upside down if your motorcycle was stolen or totaled.

3. Check all of the details of your full coverage motorcycle insurance policy to make sure that it does not cover the gap between the market value of your motorcycle and the value of your motorcycle loan. A very small percentage of motorcycle insurance policies cover the value of your motorcycle for the first year without considering depreciation. If you are lucky and your full coverage insurance policy covers 100% of the motorcycle without considering depreciation there is little need for gap insurance.

4. Are you purchasing a used motorcycle? If so there is probably not an option for you to purchase gap insurance because most gap insurance policies are only good on brand new motorcycles. As a result, used motorcycle buyers are advised to place down a decent size down payment and opt to pay of the loans in the shortest possible time.

5. What is the cost of the gap insurance policy? Does this cost justify the benefit?

Overall, depending on the financing situation gap insurance can provide some excellent financial security to motorcycle buyers purchasing their motorcycle with a motorcycle loan. However, each motorcycle buyer’s situation is different and the above five factors can be helpful in determining if gap insurance is the right decision.

Copyright (c) 2006, by Jay Fran. This article may be freely distributed as long as the copyright, author’s information and the below active live links are published with the article.

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Pursuing a Motorcycle Accident Claim

January 13th, 2021

You can ride safer by following these quick tips on motorcycle safety:

1. Always assume that you and your motorcycle are totally invisible to other drivers.

2. Leave plenty of space in front and back and to the sides from all other vehicles.

3. Beware of motorists turning left in front of you at intersections.

4. Never drink or take drugs and try to ride a motorcycle.

5. Avoid riding at night, especially late Saturday night and early Sunday when drunken drivers may be on the road.

6. Beware of taking curves that you can’t see around. A parked truck or a patch of sand may be awaiting you.

7. Do not try to ‘get even’ with another rider or motorist by giving in to road rage.

8. If someone is tailgating you, either speed up to open more space or pull over and let them pass.

9. Take a motorcycle safety course to learn what to look for to avoid accidents.

10. Wear protective clothing and a helmet.

There is no New York No-Fault insurance available to motorcycle riders. This means that in the event of injury in a motorcycle accident, private health insurance must pay the bills. If the rider wins a lawsuit, these bills must usually be paid back to the health insurance carrier. If there is no health insurance available, the issue of medical bills and paying for medical care becomes complicated, indeed. Consult an experienced accident and personal injury attorney.

As a lawyer and rider who has held a motorcycle license for many years, I have some definite thoughts on this topic. But I’d like you to “cram down” some statistics about motorcycle safety, which relate to accidents and injuries, and which I find fascinating:

1. Approximately 3/4 of motorcycle accidents involve collision with another vehicle; most often a passenger automobile.

2. Approximately 1/4 of motorcycle accidents are single vehicle accidents involving the motorcycle colliding with the roadway or some fixed object in the environment.

3. Vehicle failure accounts for less than 3% of motorcycle accidents, and most of those are single vehicle accidents where control is lost due to a puncture flat.

4. In single vehicle accidents, motorcycle rider error is present as the cause about 2/3 of the time, with the typical error being a slideout and fall due to overbraking, or running wide on a curve due to excess speed or under-cornering.

5. Roadway defects (pavement ridges, potholes, etc.) are the accident cause in 2% of accidents; animal involvement causes 1% of accidents.

6. In multiple vehicle accidents, the driver of the other vehicle violates the motorcycle right-of-way and causes the accident 2/3 of the time.

7. Drivers inability to recognize motorcycles in traffice is the main source of motorcycle collisions. The driver of the other vehicle involved in collision with the motorcycle does not see the motorcycle before the collision, or does not see the motorcycle until too late to avoid the collision.

8. Deliberate hostile action by a motorist against a motorcycle rider is a rare accident cause.

9. The most frequent accident type is the motorcycle proceeding straight and the automobile making a left turn in front of the oncoming motorcycle.

10. Intersections are the most likely place for the motorcycle accident, with the other vehicle violating the motorcycle right-of-way, and often violating traffic controls.

11. Weather is not a factor in 98% of motorcycle accidents.

12. Most motorcycle accidents involve a short trip associated with shopping, errands, friends, entertainment or recreation, and the accident is likely to happen close to the place the trip began.

13. The view of the motorcycle or other vehicle involved in an accident is limited by glare or obstructed by other vehicles in almost 2 of multiple vehicle accidents.

14. Visibility of the motorcycle is a critical factor in multiple vehicle accidents, and accidents are significantly reduced by the use of motorcycle headlamps (on in daylight) and the wearing of high visibility yellow, orange or bright red jackets.

15. Fuel system leaks and spills are present after 62% of motorcycle crashes. This means that there is usually a fire hazard.

16. Significantly overrepresented in accidents are motorcycle riders between the ages of 16 and 24; motorcycle riders between the ages of 30 and 50 are significantly underrepresented. Although the majority of accident-involved motorcycle riders are male (96%), female motorcycles riders are significantly overrepresented in accidents.

17. Motorcycle riders involved in accidents are essentially without training; 92% are self-taught or learned from family or friends. Motorcycle rider training experience reduces accident involvement and reduces injury in the event of accidents.

18. Almost 1/2 of fatal accidents show alcohol involvement.

19. Motorcycle riders in those accidents have difficulty avoiding the collision. Most riders overbrake and skid the rear wheel, and underbrake the front wheel, greatly reducing the ability to slow down and avoid the accident. In the presence of alcohol, the ability to countersteer and swerve are just about absent.

20. The typical motorcycle accident allows the motorcyclist just less than 2 seconds to avoid the collision.

21. Motorcycle modifications such as those associated with the semi-chopper or cafe racer are definitely overrepresented in accidents.

22. The likelihood of injury is extremely high in motorcycle accidents – 98% of multiple vehicle collisions and 96% of single vehicle accidents result in some kind of injury to the motorcycle rider; 45% result in more than a minor injury.

23. Half of the injuries to motorcycle riders are to the ankle-foot, lower leg, knee, and thigh-upper leg.

24. Crash bars are not an effective injury countermeasure; the reduction of injury to the ankle-foot is balanced by increase of injury to the thigh-upper leg, knee, and lower leg.

25. The use of heavy boots, jacket, gloves, etc., is effective in preventing or reducing abrasions and lacerations, which are frequent but rarely severe injuries.

26. Speed, alcohol involvement and motorcycle size increade the injury severity.

27. Seventy-three percent of accident-involved motorcycle riders use no eye protection, and it is likely that the wind on their unprotected eyes contributes to impairment of vision which delays hazard detection.

28. Approximately 50% of the motorcycle riders in traffic use safety helmets but only 40% wear helmets at the time of their accident.

29. Voluntary safety helmet use by accident-involved motorcycle riders was lowest for untrained, uneducated, young motorcycle riders on hot days and short trips.

30. The most deadly injuries to motorcycle accident victims are injuries to the chest and head.

31. The use of the safety helmet is the single critical factor in the prevention or reduction of head injury.

32. Safety helmet use does not decrease the riders ability to hear or see, and causes no fatigue or loss of attention; no element of accident causation is related to helmet use.

33. Helmeted riders and passengers showed significantly lower head and neck injury for all types of injury, at all levels of injury severity.

34. The increased coverage of the full facial coverage helmet increases protection, and significantly reduces face injuries.

35. There is no increase in neck injury by wearing a safety helmet; helmeted riders have fewer neck injuries than unhelmeted riders.

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